

This project is not in a complete state. If you are continuing this work, and find this documentation confusing or lacking, please email Christopher Nair at with questions.


Library: inputs
Inputs aims to provide cross-platform Python support for keyboards, mice and gamepads.

Library: cv2
OpenCV is a library of programming functions mainly for real-time computer vision.

Library: numpy
The fundamental package for scientific computing with Python.

Library: matplotlib
Matplotlib is a comprehensive library for creating static, animated, and interactive visualizations in Python. Matplotlib makes easy things easy and hard things possible.

Library: pigpio
This package provides a Python module to control the GPIO on a Raspberry Pi.

Module truck
Controls driving and steering of the car via the Truck singleton class.

Module: image_processing
Processes images with OpenCV2.

Module: camera
Captures images from the camera to be fed into the image processing module.

Module: gpio
This module controls DC Motors and Servos. It is imported by the truck module. If you are about to use something in this module directly, check truck first, as it is pretty complete.

Module: gamepad
gamepad provides an interface for a connected x-input gamepad/controller.

Module: image_utils
This module contains general image processing functions. Unlike those in image_processing, these do not do any calculations regarding control of the vehicle.

This module is mostly a relic from before my time. There is a hope to train a neural network to control the robot one day, and this code is for that.

Modules: and is an implementation of model predictive control using live state information from the vehicle. is being used for basic testing. Functionality should eventually be moved and mpc_test deprecated/removed.

This module calculates the speed of the car by looking at a yellow marker on the trailer wheel. A wheel encoder would be better and easier.
This module is responsible for calculating and providing all required state information for implementing model predictive control.



To Do:

  1. Implement model predictive control
  2. File is very big. Clean up.

Model predictive control has been implemented in Python by Dr. Schwarz in In, this has been adapted to use real information about the state of the truck and trailer system. The file contains is a preliminary attempt at actually using the model to control the vehicle. This should eventually be done in the main loop of the program. See documentation for image_processing for the current obstacles to doing this.


To Do:

  1. Image processing has been left almost unchanged since before we started trying to handle the problem of reverse autonomous driving.

For forward driving, one can fit straight lines over the detected lanes and navigate quite well, even in sharp turns. However, In reverse driving, we must look further because the trailer is up ahead of the truck. This causes two main problems:

  1. Seeing the lane well
  2. Straight lines are not a good approximation of curves anymore

I’ve attempted to use perspective transforms and fisheye distortion correction to get a better view of the lane at a distance. This seems to work quite well, but when put into the image processing pipeline, performance becomes far too slow. I believe this is because of the additional processing requirement of performing these image transformations, and also because a much higher image resolution is needed to get an acceptable reslution following the transformations. See camera_calibration’s files for more specific information (these features are in camera_calibration as I was still experimenting with them and didn’t actually put them in image_processing).


To Do:

  1. The primary issue with the system is lane detection in reverse driving, as touched on in the above section regarding
  2. Currently, the frame line of code which performs the transformations and undistortions is commented out, as it slows performance too much. I think making this work effectively is the key to fully implementing the model predictive control.

Other files not mentioned here are mostly complete and ok. See documentation in each file for specific information.


  1. Connect to Raspberry Pi via SSH. VSCode SSH Instructions Here

  2. Ensure gamepad is plugged in.

  3. Run

  4. The program will start in manual control mode.

  5. Controls are as follows:

     Left Stick: Steering Control
     Right Trigger: Forward Acceleration
     Left Trigger: Reverse Acceleration
     X: Transition to forward autonomous mode
     Y: Transition to reverse autonomous mode
     START: Confirm transition.
     A: Enable/disable recording (this feature is functional in main branch, but not in origin/chris)
     SELECT: Enable/disable streaming (streaming).
     NOTE: In main branch, streaming only works in autonomous modes, in chris branch, streaming works in all modes, and is always active (no toggling with SELECT)
     B: If in autonomous mode, B will return the vehicle to manual control. If in manual mode, B will shutdown the program.
  6. Enter Ctrl+C into the terminal to cleanup and shutdown the program as an alternative to using the controller.


  1. Streaming to HTML page
  2. X-forwarding for use of display-dependant functions.
  3. Second camera so forward and reverse autonomous can actually both be used.
  4. Ability to change streaming image live. (I’m thinking maybe press LB and RB to cycle between streamed windows.) I found that having to go into the code to change the streamed image slowed debugging a lot.
  5. Keyboard contol using curses as an alternative to gamepad control. (+ other terminal improvements from curses)
  6. WHEEL ENCODER!!!!!!!!!!!!
  7. Start trying to get a neural network trained again. Now that camera can operate in manual control mode, a human could be used as the training data.